25th anniversary
News 25th anniversary This year Valter’s Prosthetic Laboratory celebrates its 25th anniversary. We have been working for
For more than 20 years, we’ve created high-quality glass and synthetic ocular prostheses.
Based on our knowledge, experience and skills in medicine, art and technology, we help clients improve their quality of life, creating the most suitable ocular prosthesis for their lifestyle, eye socket shape and specifics, eye colour and other features. We produce individually designed ocular prostheses and ectoprostheses for both children and adults.
Our team comprises exceptionally talented certified ocularists who regularly supplement their knowledge at conferences, trainings and seminars in Germany, the USA, the United Kingdom, Russia and elsewhere.
With the high-quality standards introduced by Valdis Valters, the chief specialist and founder, Valters Prosthetics Laboratory and its team have gained wide international recognition. Ocularistry is traditionally a family profession in which the most important knowledge is conveyed from specialist to specialist. Our team embodies this family spirit. We strive to develop, uphold our good reputation and, above all, fulfil our mission: to help people regain their true smile and improve their self-confidence and quality of life.
Baltijas valstu, vadošais okulārists ar vairāk kā 30.gadu pieredzi, kurš strādā ar augstākās kvalitātes, "Augenprothetik Lauscha GmbH" izgatavotajiem- kriolītstikla acs protēžu materiāliem.
1976.gadā Anglijas kolēģis, Džons, uzsāka, savas darba gaitas, PMMA acs protēžu izgatavošanā. Tehnoloģiskās inovācijas, PMMA materiālu ziņā ir sniegušas, iespēju pacientiem,izgatavot pēc iespējas dabiskāku acs protēzi.
Each Valters prosthesis is a unique work
of art in all aspects, created by our specialists
with the utmost care.
Our main specialists have over 20 years
of experience in ocularistry.
Our specialists help clients choose the
most suitable solution for their lifestyle,
eye socket, eye colour and other attributes.
Every Valters prosthesis is guaranteed
for 2 years of technical durability.
The latest advances offer a wide range of
technological possibilities. Our team regularly
learns and implements the most up-to-date solutions.
We know how important time is. Our
specialists can make high-quality ocular
prostheses within 1-3 working days.
News 25th anniversary This year Valter’s Prosthetic Laboratory celebrates its 25th anniversary. We have been working for
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SIA “Valtera protēžu laboratorija” ir noslēgusi 2016.gada 25.maijā līgumu Nr.SKV-L-2016/355 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma “Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana” ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.
The main laboratory of Valters Prosthetics Laboratory is located in Riga. Our specialists regularly provide consultations and ocular prosthetics services in several countries.
Valters Prosthetics Laboratory is the only full-spectrum ocular prosthetics company in the Baltic States, with many years of experience and highly qualified specialists who have acquired knowledge and skills in Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Riga, Latvia
Brīvības gatve 410, Rīga, LV-1024
Telephone: +371 29159961
E-mail: vpl@vpl.lv